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What is Model United Nations?

Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nation and all of its constituent organs and committees, created to facilitate an environment for students to learn more about Diplomacy, Current Affairs and Public speaking as they place themselves as delegates of nations dealing with real world issues. The oldest MUNs date as back at the 1950s and MUN societies are a prominent and historical part of universities like Harvard, Berkeley and Stanford.

What is Pathshala Model United Nations?

As an effort to institutionalize MUN culture, Pathshala MUN began in 2018 with the help of our alumni, students and administration. Our first conference saw 250 delegates, distributed amongst 6 committees. This year’s MUN marks the third iteration of our student-led initiative to create a strong base of speech, debate, and diplomacy here at Pathshala. This year’s MUN is seeing 150 delegates across 6 major committees.

For delegates:

Rules Of Procedure

We follow the UNA USA rop. Download our ROP here:

Rules of Procedure

Find our Detailed Itinerary here:

Itinerary PMUN 2023

An amazing evening with food, entertainment, and music from the one and only Elements Band. 

Social Nights Registration

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