Pathshala Nepal Foundation

Author name: sandip Pokharel


Important Dates to remember

Dear parents and guardians, Namaste! Here are few important dates to remember on Poush and Magh 2076. Poush: 16 – Winter Vacation begins for all grades 20 to 23 – Annual Outdoor Study (VII-VIII) 23 – Class resumes for grade X (day class) 26 – Annual Trip to India begins (gr IX Baneshwor) 28 – Annual Trip to India begins (gr IX Bagdol) Magh: 1 to 5 – Winter break for gr I-IX 2 to 10 – Mock-up Test for gr X 5 – Teachers workshop 6 – Class resumes for gr I-IX (grade IX students not in the trip join from this date) 6 – Students’ arrive from Annual Trip to India (gr IX – Baneshwor). Tour-students join class from 7th. 8 – Students’ arrive from Annual Trip to India (gr IX – Bagdol). Tour-students join class from 9th 16 to 18 – Pathshala Sanjh and Assembly 26-27 – Mathematical Quiz (gr IV-IX) Pathshala


Winter Vacation – 2076

2076/09/14 Dear Parents/Guardians, School will remains closed from 16th Poush to 5th Magh, 2076 for grade I-IX. Day class resumes from 22nd Poush, 2076 for grade X. Winter Assignments will be sent with students by tomorrow. Please go through Newsletter sent via email for informations and important dates to remember. You may download Newsletter from website by visiting if you haven’t received yet. Happy Holidays!


Online Fees Payment

Dear parents/guardians, Pathshala is now connected with e-Sewa. So our parents and guardians can use e-Sewa app to pay school fees. Here are certain things to remember while doing so: 1. Confirm whether you are paying for Pathshala Baneshwor (P1) or Pathshala Bagdol (P2). 2. Mention the Code No. clearly Here is how you can use e-Sewa for the fees payment: 1. Search Pathshala in the home screen (on your e-Sewa app) 2. Select Baneshwor or Bagdol 3. Fill in the form and proceed accordingly NOTE: QR Code payment will also be available in the school (account section) from the next week. Please write here for any queries. Thank you!


Winter Schedule 2076

Dear parents, winter schedule begins from this Sunday, 17th Kartik, i.e. 3rd November. Now school starts at 9:00 AM. So, please come 30 min late to your bus stop than the usual time. Evening time remains same.  Please contact grade teachers for any queries. Happy Chhatth 2076!  Principals


Happy Vijaya Dashami 2076

Dear parents/guardians, Holiday for Dashain starts from tomorrow, 12th Ashoj till 27th Ashoj. School reopens on 27th Ashoj for staff and on 28th Ashoj for students. Happy Vijaya Dashami 2076!



Dear students, parents, guardians and teachers, This information is being shared to all of you to be more alert on Dengue. Let’s work together to prevent ourselves from dengue. We expect your full support in this matter. Let’s follow the tips shared through this flyer and also share this information to others. DEAR STUDENTS, YOU ARE ALL EXPECTED TO COME TO SCHOOL IN FULL-SLEEVE DRESSES. PLEASE APPLY MOSQUITO REPELLENT BEFORE YOU COME TO SCHOOL. Stop mosquito from Breeding Mosquitoes breed by laying eggs in and near standing water. As little as one teaspoon or bottle cap of water standing for more than one week is enough for mosquitoes to breed and multiply. Put away items that are outside and not being used because they could hold standing water At least once a week, empty, turn over or cover anything that could hold water: tires, buckets, toys , pools and pool covers birdbaths trash, trash containers and recycling bins boat or car covers roof gutters coolers pet dishes Keep flower pots and saucers free of standing water. Some plants, such as bromeliads, hold water in their leavers-flush out water-holding plants with your house once a week.      If you show signs of dengue, seek medical attention at the nearest health facilities. What is it? Dengue fever is a disease caused by a virus carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue fever is spread from person to person by the Infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. Signs and symptoms of dengue fever include: High fever Headache (sometimes severe) Muscle and joint pains Backache Pain behind the eyes Vomiting Diarrhoea Skin rash in severe cases complication like bleeding can occur. Important !! Don’t use ASPIRIN or similar anti medications such as Motrin, Olfen, or Ibuprofen. These may cause complications such as bleeding which can cause shock. Home remedies for Dengue fever Barley grass helps to increase body’s blood platelets Basil (tulasi) leaves give relief from dengue fever Neem aids in increasing body’s blood platelets Papaya(mewa) leaves help to cure dengue fever Orange juice helps in treating symptoms of dengue Water keeps the body hydrated and helps to ease symptoms of dengue. Pathshala Environment Science Club


Notice on Term break and Immediate Activities

Dear parents and guardians, Thank you for your support to your kids at home to prepare them well for the first term exam. Here is a list of information to keep you updated about the immediate activities and the term break: Term break: Shrawan 19-21 (1 day extended due to strike on  15th Shrawan) Terminal Review and Planning: Shrawan 21 (for teachers) Class resumes: Shrawan 22 (for students) First Term PTC: Shrawan 25, Saturday (Schedule will be sent via diary later on) School off: Shrawan 26 (After PTC break) Parents are also requested to update with the student’s school uniform like shocks, shoes, shirt and pant to help your kids come to school in proper school uniform. Sincerely, Principal


School Off

Dear parents, we are sorry to announce closure of school tomorrow (Wednesday, 15th Shrawan). Tomorrow’s exam will be taken on Friday, 17th Shrawan.  Principal


Out of Telephone Service

Dear parents/guardians, We’re out of Telephone and Internet service due to pole maintenance by NEA at Bagdol area. We would like to request you to contact Grade Teachers directly if required till the service is restored. Principal

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